Music is
the set of tones or sounds employed, occurring in
single line (melody) or
multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or
instruments, or both. But, in my opinion, music is something else something
better, music is a way to relax, it’s an art, it’s the best way to get happy
after sad moments. I listen to all kinds of u music but I tend to the
instrumental music especially piano music. But, even if I tend to the
instrumental music, it doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to other kinds of
music, however I don’t have I special singer or artist that I prefer, each time
I found a good music that pleases to me, I automatically add it to my list "favorite
music". Recently, I found a new music that I really loved, it’s called: Next to
you (from an Anime called Kiseijuu). I really feel good when I listen to this
music especially when I’m doing my homework; here is a link if you want to
listen to it:
And you, which kinds of music do you like, share your answer in the comments so
as we can discover new songs.